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Career Management for Organisations

In the war for talent, it is key to understand the career aspirations of your key individuals and engage in an authentic dialogue with regard to their development. Equip them and their managers with the skills and knowledge to manage this process and retain your talent.

David Wilson the principal of noetic and an active board member of the Association of Career Professionals, (link to www.acpinternational.org) has 8 years experience of working actively with individuals and organisations facilitating the alignment of the two.

Call now to discuss your needs.

Looking forward, the CIPD reports that ...

"Over 95% of respondents agree that individuals will be expected to take responsibility for looking after their own careers in the future, however, over 90% of respondents also believe that individuals must be offered support in terms of advice, guidance and information by organisations for this to work effectively.

In the future, career management is considered to play an important role in organisational change or re-structuring."

Call now to discuss Career Management, Outplacement or Transition Workshops or individual career calibration sessions.


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