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Executive Coaching / Leadership Coaching or Training Course?

"Training courses fit where they touch,and only where they touch!" David Wilson

Short, focused, cost-effective, leadership development mentoring sessions.

  • Be more influential, assertive and effective.
  • Understand and motivate your colleagues and get the best out of them.
  • Learn the 'how to…', not more concepts and theories, (the 'what').

"Perhaps you know what you ought to be doing. This is about making it happen - quickly."

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Taken from The Sunday Times January 21, 2007 (full article)

  • "Work courses are 'wasting' £75m. Management training and development schemes offer little value for money and need to be revamped", writes Roger Eglin. "The 'investment' companies have been pumping into training to create winning management teams is largely valueless. British businesses are believed to be wasting £75m a year on poor management development courses."
  • Robert Myatt at Kaisen said: "Most of the methods used on these programmes focused on educating leaders by giving them useful concepts and theories. However, the capabilities they were really trying to develop were more about skills - how to act and behave as a leader, how to be more assertive and how to motivate people, for example. You need to be able to practise these behavioural skills, and the only way you can do this is by using them at work and getting feedback from an expert."
  • The director of executive education at Said Business School, David Feeney, said "There is significant disaffection with value for money. There are mixed opinions about the value of executive education. Development courses are a bit like going on a two-day skiing course in a hotel, where you watch some videos and read course material and work in pairs to practise balancing. Then you are put at the top of a steep slope and the instructor says, 'off you go now - you can ski. You wouldn't dream of doing it. It's a skill that needs regular practice with someone watching you."
  • Another quote this time by Tony Askham of law firm Bond Pearce, on using leadership coaching "We're having considerably more success. People are trained to manage services but they have to be good at managing client relationships and selling services - all things they have not historically been taught to do. Now, he said, there was a lot of one-to-one coaching and making sure that technical managers had the range of business skills they needed."
  • Read the full article.

Call now for a discussion about targeted, focused and cost-effective management development through quick and effective executive coaching or mentoring sessions with a quantified return on investment. (click here).

A curious definition of Mentoring

The word has recently gained currency in the professional world, where it is thought to be a good idea to have a mentor, a wise and trusted counsellor, guiding one's career and maintaining focus and clarity on delivering what is required for the success of the individual and the business. An appropriate name for such a person because it probably meant "adviser" in Greek and comes from the Indo-European root men-1, meaning "to think."

There are many examples of mentors in history and legend but the most fascinating is Merlin. His role gradually evolved into that of magician, prophet and advisor, active in all phases of the administration of King Arthur's kingdom. "Merlin, who knew the range of all their arts, had built the King his havens, ships and halls." - Vivian.


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